2024 Charity Golf Outing Announcement: SEAD Garden Center!

We are excited to announce that our 2024 Charity Golf Outing beneficiary will be SEADS Garden Center!
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of our H.F. Lenz Company Charity Golf Outing, which has raised more than $311,225 for local charities. This year’s event will be held on Monday, August 26, 2024, at the Omni Bedford Springs, Old Course.
SEADS of Love, dba. SEADS Garden Center is a local nonprofit agency, which was established in Cambria County in 2020. Their mission is to provide Sustainable Employment for Adults with DisabilitieS by providing employment and encouraging personal growth within the special needs community. In 2023, only 22.5 percent of people with a disability were employed in the United States. SEADS gives their employees the opportunity to have a variety of enriching and meaningful jobs such as growing plants, handling sales, and maintaining the grounds, along with valuable skills such as learning to follow a schedule and interacting with customers and coworkers in a professional manner. The garden center sells a wide variety of seasonal plants and gardening merchandise while hosting many fun events for the whole family throughout the year.
The cut-off date to sign up as a single golfer or a foursome is August 1, 2024. If you would like more information on registering a foursome, or if you are interested in becoming a sponsor or donating to the event, please contact Laura Bernardo at lbernardo@hflenz.com or call 814-269-9322.