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Mazda Dealership

Faulkner Mazda Sales and Service Buildings total approximately 17,750 total square of building space with its main feature being a “Jewel Box” interior car lift proudly displaying their latest luxury automobile. The previous sales building had a lower roof which needed to be raised roughly 14 feet to allow for this feature. This project was a design-build project completed under Speedwell Construction.

Civil Engineering:

  • Site layout and grading for ADA compliant parking spaces
  • Stormwater management
  • Deign of Oil/Water Separator
  • Preparation for site demolition

Structural Engineering:

  • Extension and Reinforcement of existing structural columns
  • Redesigning of roof frame
  • reworking existing structural steel framing
  • Designings steel framed building addition and replacing the slab-on-grade inside the existing service building to accommodate new vehicle lift