Balanced Care
New Assisted Living Centers
- 32 new assisted living centers in 8 different states
- Each unit consists of a private bathroom with an ADA-acceptable shower
- Common spaces consist of:
- Dining room
- Therapy area
- Beauty salon
- Living room
- Club rooms
- Services provided include mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and structural engineering
- Key features of the projects include:
- Pre-engineered roof truss system
- Coordination with the truss fabricator in evaluating the most economical roof truss layout
- Adapting prototype design to various geographical, geotechnical, and climatic conditions
- Addition of features to prototypes to conform to local code requirements of each location
- Alternate designs to determine the most economical construction method for the various regions
- Individual through-the-wall HVAC units
- Air handling units in attic spaces
- Entirety of building is protected with quick response sprinkler heads for life safety
- Living suites are provided with telephone and cable television, as well as provisions for an emergency call system to be installed by the owner
- Lighting fixtures are surface or wall mounted
- Provisions are made for the future installations of a departure alert system