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Employee News
National Intern Day and Luncheon
On July 25, we celebrated our 2024 Summer Interns with our annual Intern Luncheon!
It was fun seeing our interns outside the busy office spending some down time with their supervisors and mentors before summer ends and they head back to school.
We enjoyed good food and our interns received some H.F. Lenz Company gifts for all their hard work. As our interns’ last days approach, we would like to, once again, express our appreciation for everything they do and for those who helped with their career growth this summer!
Our interns this summer included: William Minahan, Joseph Denk, Dominic Landi, Carson Kaufman, Julia Dill, Zach Ramach, Tyler Earnest, Caleb Pellerite, and Anthony Montagna!
Thank you all again for a great summer and good luck with the next school semester!